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About Blind Radio

Blindradio was created in 2003 as a blind-friendly internet radio website addressing the growing needs of blind and visually impaired.

Running costs are met by Beta3 ltd, a company registered in England & Wales under company number 5145961 c/o Simpson Wreford & Partners, Suffolk House, George Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 OYN, England.

The idea was simple and remains so - a well designed site should be available to as many users as possible. Blind & Visually Impaired don't just like radio - they 'need' radio as most other media resources are inaccessible so we decided to ensure the site could be used by them.

The brand 'BlindRadio' was created so that it would be easy to remember and the catchphrase is 'radio for everybody'.

Today, it is internationally known as both reliable and accessible and is the leader. It is one of a family of internet radio directories which are now reference points in their sectors.

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